Sunday, June 15, 2014

Art Education Blogs

One of our recent SMU assignments is to share educational blogs that we are using for our summer action research.  The research I have been conducting so far is focused on assessment in visual arts and although these blogs are not specific to only assessments, they have been helpful in my research so far!  Happy blogging!

One blog that I follow fairly regularly is The Art of Ed.  This is an organization that offers relevant professional development for art teachers and have daily posts by various art educators on multiple topics.  Examples of recent topics include: 9 Steps to Efficiently Rewrite Your Students Learning Expectations; Easily Organize Your Standards with a Planning Matrix; Is is Appropriate to Use Social Media During the School Day?.  I enjoy reading this blog to see what teaching techniques other art educators are currently using. You can visit this blog at

Another Art Education blog that I have recently started following is The Teaching Palette.  One of the recent posts that really caught my attention is Design Thinking Through STEAM Education.  I have attended a keynote addressing STEAM and know a little bit about implementing it into a school, however I would definitely like to learn more.  We currently have STEM classes at Byron Middle School and there has been talk of moving into the concept of STEAM, so this post will be a good one to read.  There are also a multitude of topics on this blog consisting of art classroom management techniques, using iPads in the art classroom, iBooks in Art Education and many more.  I am excited to continue searching on this site in preparation for next school year! you can visit this blog at