
Personal Values:

I value creativity, compassion, laughter and patience.  These values are truly important to me in my life; both in and out of the classroom.

Personal Vision:

My vision in life is to encourage students of all ages to use their imaginations and creativity through the teaching of art.  I strive to always have a positive attitude and greet my students, friends, co-workers, family and all others with a smile and friendly conversation.  I believe in the healing power of laughter and aim to share a laugh with someone everyday.

Personal Mission:

I will be a person who devotes my life to teaching others.  I will be a person who cares about others, smiles often and laughs everyday.  I will always be available for my family and friends and uphold the strong values that I truly believe in.  I vow to lend a helping hand when and where it is necessary and to always treat people with respect.  I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life as well as the lives of those I teach: Fun-Loving, Creative, Innovative, Compassionate, Patience, Hard-Working, Optimistic and Caring.

My Educational Philosophy:

My main goal is an educator is to help my students learn. I aim to make myself available to my students whenever necessary, however I do think students learn a lot through self-discovery. I truly enjoy seeing what students create in the classroom and I love to share this with them. Individualism is very important in art production and although there are set guidelines and rules for students to follow I want them to feel comfortable to express their individual feelings and views on the projects covered in class. I believe in respect in the classroom: respect for students, teachers, and work. I strive to show my students this through my own actions and help to correct student behaviors when I see them struggling with this.

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