Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Personal Playbook

"We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible."
Vince Lombardi

For our master's program we completed a Personal Playbook created by Kathleen DuBois.  The question on the front page of the playbook is, "If you could accomplish anything within the next year, what would it be?".  Two of my goals for this year are to set up an art club at the middle school and provide a summer art camp for our middle school students next summer.

In order to accomplish these goals, I have a lot of planning and organizing to do this year.  One of the activities in our personal playbook is to declutter our world, so I have attempted to do just that!  I have purchased items for my classroom to help keep myself and my students organized this year, while giving students more responsibility in the art classroom.  I spent this morning in my classroom organizing my desk and filing cabinets to get myself organized for the upcoming school year, so I can focus on my long term goals mentioned above.  Organization is something that I have had to work for in my life, it hasn't always come naturally for me, so this step has been an important one in achieving my goals.

I am looking forward to getting this school year underway to implement many new activities that I have been learning about this summer and getting together with a small group of students to get our middle school art club underway!