Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Goal Update

My Goals:

1. Initiate a BMS student art exhibit.
2. Begin an Art Club at the middle school level.
3. Host a summer Art Camp for students at the middle school level.

The strategies I have used so far toward achieving these goals is researching and planning!  I am hoping to complete each of this goals throughout the next school year, so the planning at this point is crucial.  I will continue to advance these goals by choosing dates and times for each of them, creating a proposal to be discussed with administration, writing informational handouts for students and parents and deciding on multiple projects for the art club and summer camp students to work on.

One way I have begun to overcome some of the barriers I mentioned in a previous post is that I have been talking with other art teachers about how they display their student's work at the middle school level.  I really enjoy talking with other teachers and will rely on this research to help make the best decisions for the Byron Middle School art shows.

One of the barriers I mentioned before is that of TIME!  I seem to keep catching myself saying, "Good, now that this week/month/day is over, I will have more time."  The time has yet to show up in my classroom!  I will continue to work on each of these goals to prepare implementation next school year.


  1. I love your goals. They are so ambitious and I know the students will love them! Keep up the great work in planning and researching. I am sure it can seem that you aren't making headway sometimes but I am sure it will come together for you! Awesome job Brooke!

  2. This is a great goal. Maybe you can get student council members involved to get the ball rolling. Those kids are motivated and care about the school. A MS art show would be nice...hmmm maybe ZED could go to the MS next year?? Until you think of a good venue/time of year to have the show. Lots of decisions to be made...uffda:)
