Thursday, October 23, 2014

Red Ribbon Doors!

During the month of October, our BEARS groups have been learning about the dangerous effects of drugs and have been spreading awareness in our school about the importance of saying NO to drugs.  Next week we will be participating in Red Ribbon Week at our school; taking the pledge to stay safe, healthy and drug free.  One way we are spreading awareness at BMS is with door decorations.  Below is my 8th grade BEARS door design for Red Ribbon Week!  Stay tuned for some fun dress-up day pictures to further promote a safe, healthy and drug free lifestyle!!


  1. Love the door, I like how you incorporated BEARS language! It was fun visiting today.

  2. It was really fun visiting with you this morning! I really needed that! I thought the students did an awesome job with the door design - and loved that they incorporated the BEARS language too!! They amaze me :-)
