Sunday, January 11, 2015

Nearing the end of my Action Research

As we find ourselves nearing the date of the 2015 SMU M.Ed. Spring Conference we have been asked to reflect on our Action Research.  Our next steps will be to create and post our abstract and critical thinking questions.  Read below for my most recent AR Reflection: How can I encourage my visual arts students to take more responsibility/ownership in the work they create?

    • How do you communicate your action research with your student and their parents? Communication that I have initiated with the parents of the students I see in class have been from the letter that was sent out at the beginning of each quarter letting them know that I will be conducting some research with their students in my classroom.  More specifically, students have been contacting their parents to keep them posted about what they are doing in the art classroom.  I will be emailing my eighth grade parents a survey about the emails they have (or maybe have not?) been receiving from their students.

  • What do you hope is the outcome of your action research? I hope to open up the lines of communication with student and their parents about their visual art work.  Mainly, I hope to create a more positive sense of ownership and responsibility in the students that I see.  I want them to begin taking the work that they create and the lessons they learn seriously.  I have learned that having an audience plays an important role in this step, so I will continue to provide this opportunity of an audience OUTSIDE of the classroom as the year continues.

  • How do you plan to sustain what you have started? I will continue to utilize the strategies that I have used with students throughout the last two quarters.  I also plan to develop the strategy of an audience for my students - I would like to continue to email parents with an art room update (students with iPads can email parents themselves - those without iPads I could begin sending a weekly/bi-weekly update on what they are doing).  I would like to get other teachers, staff, admin., students involved as well - maybe have the students create an art show each quarter and invite all staff and students to view and critique?  Ultimately, I would like to get students out of the art room with their work - get them physically going through the steps of sharing art works with everyone.

  • Who or what has been the most helpful resource for your work? I have been following a few blogs very closely.  I have gotten many ideas from these blogs as well as sessions at art conferences that I have attended.  Speaking with other art teachers and sharing ideas has been extremely helpful with the work I am doing in my classroom.

  • How do you see your action research impacting your teaching? I find myself conducting quality reflection upon my teacher and my students’ learning.  When something doesn’t work, I don’t spend as much time as I used to thinking about how bad it may have gone, but rather thinking of how I can change it to better fit the needs of my students.  I find myself acting more rather than just planning.  The information I have learned throughout my Action Research as well as the SMU M.Ed. program have been extremely beneficial to my teaching.

  • How do you see your action research impacting your students' learning? I am beginning to see, slowly for some, that students are starting to think more about what they are doing.  By having them reflect on their experiences through writing and sharing that with someone (a parent and myself for now) they are being prompted to take ownership for the work they are creating.  As this process becomes more of a routine, I am seeing students start to reflect sooner in their creation process rather than waiting until the end when I ask them to.  This directly benefits their work because they are able to make any changes that they see might improve their work and understanding of the process.
  • What evidence do you have that supports your action research?  I will be collecting survey results from both my students and their parents involving the reflection process - students will answer questions regarding the creation process as well as sense of ownership/responsibility that resulted in sending their work and reflection to a parent.  Parents will answer questions regarding the work and reflections that they received from their students.  One main question I look forward to hearing responses from parents AND students is whether or not it opened up a line of communication with their student about their artwork and experience in the visual arts class.


  1. It sounds like your AR is really paying off for both you and your students. That is awesome!! I too feel like when I actually take the time to reflect on the lesson, it allows me to come up with more ideas to make it go better. Have you ever thought of adding an audience outside of school, like an art show for the community? Do you think this would change the thoughts of your students, if they knew it wasn't just their parents, teachers or peers viewing their art?

    1. Thank you Laura, I do feel like my Action Research has been a positive so far! I am definitely learning a lot and have a lot to do to continue the research I have started :-) Part of my ongoing is to take my student's work to an outside audience - or bring an outside audience into the school - based on the research I have done, I do feel that students would take more time and put more effort into their work knowing it was an audience outside of the immediate school. I know these shows can be a lot of work, but I do think the learning that takes place (for the students and myself) is very important!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the update on your Action Research. It sounds like you and your students have had many positive experiences this year due to your Action Research. I know that students love to have any type of audiences appreciate their works. I like how you are getting AR information from both the students and their parents through questions and reflections. Are you having any trouble getting the students and parents to answer your questions and reflections?

    1. Thank you Sherri - I am definitely happy to be seeing some positive results with my eighth grade students. This is a tough group that I have right now - they are not very motivated, especially by the end of the school day, which is when they come to my class! I have not received feedback from all students as of yet - however I am hoping to see more participate with our final project for the quarter. I have not yet sent my survey to parents...I am really looking forward to the feedback that I receive from them!

  4. You have great insights on your AR! I can tell that you love ART and are trying to spill that enthusiasm into your students..BRAVO!

    A comment that I really liked was how you are learning to tweak the assignments after you briefly reflect. This is an area that I NEED to remember to do. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I agree Michelle, it is important to change things when they need changing :-) This came up quite a bit in my research and it has gone really well for my classes.

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your Action Research! It sounds like you are learning a lot and making changes to your lessons as needed. When a lesson does not go well, it is easy to focus on the negative. I have done this several times. It is more beneficial to spend that time reflecting and making changes to the lesson. I like the idea of surveying the parents. I am curious to see what the results will be. Will the parent surveys be done online or a paper copy survey?

    1. Thank you Monica! I hear you about the negative thoughts toward a lesson that doesn't go well - I have certainly done my fair share of that and still do once in awhile. It has been really helpful to put that reflection piece into action after each unit - I really like getting student input as well, after all I am trying to get them interested and involved!

      I am going to be asking parents to fill out their survey online. I hadn't thought of providing a paper copy; I may do that for those students who say that their parents don't use email. :-)
