Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Classroom Activity

Tuesday, January 21, 2014: 
Implement an activity from a class member: I implemented the “ball” game, with my fifth grade class this week.  Students recently began learning about Color Theory and I used this game as a way to review the color concepts that students were introduced to at the end of last week.

Students are divided into six tables in the art classroom, so I had them work with their table groups for this activity.  Each table received a list of questions and rather than a ball, I gave each table a paintbrush, whoever had the paintbrush answered a question from the review sheet.

This was a great way for me to gather information about what students had retained from the previous lesson - formative assessment.  I was then able to quickly look through their review sheets to see what questions were not answered, so I knew what needed to be retaught.  I looked through the worksheets during student work time and I had them clean up a few minutes early so I could review with them the worksheet before they left.

Students were excited as they got to their tables and saw a single piece of paper in the center turned over with a paint stained brush laying on top of it!  It sparked their curiosity immediately!  I explained to the class what they would do at each table and then let them get to work on answering the questions.  I had planned on giving less than 10 minutes for this process, however as students were working together on this task, I realized that it was taking a bit longer than that.  I let them work through the questions for about five minutes longer - two out of the six tables were able to get through all of the questions.

The class seemed to enjoy this activity as they got to work together to come up with their answers.  I had them circle the questions that they did not know, so I now have a very good idea of what needs to be re-taught when we get to the part of adding color to their drawings.  

When I do this activity in the future, I will try to make it very clear to students that this is not a graded activity - I told the class this when I explained it to them, however some were worried once they got started that they wouldn't do very good because they didn't know some of the answers.  

Overall, this was a great activity to conduct during class!  I will definitely use this activity for future classes.


Sunday, January 19, 2014: 
I have recently begun my experience at Saint Mary's University, Rochester to obtain my Master's degree in Teaching and Learning.  I will be using this space to share my learning experiences throughout the next year and a half!

The following is a video from "The Kid President" by Soul Pancake called 20 Things You Should Say More Often.  I have shared this video with my students and continue to do so with each new class I see!  I absolutely love this video - Kid President has a spirit about him that is so down to earth.  He sends such a great message while being funny, charismatic, and real.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Papunya Dot Paintings

Sixth grade students have recently finished creating Papunya Dot Paintings.  Students learned about the history and traditions of the Australian Aboriginal culture; specifically about traditional dreaming and storytelling.  Students chose an animal (either real or fictional) and created a story using traditional Aboriginal symbols; complete stories were written upon the completion of the paintings.  Color was added using color pencil or markers and dot painting was completed using acrylic paint with various sizes of wooden skewers.

Color Theory - Flu Bugs

Fifth grade students have been busy learning about color theory: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colors as well as Complementary and Analogous colors.  Students designed various flu bugs and used the mentioned color groups to add color to their designs.  Students began the color process by outlining their flu bugs in crayon then continued to add color with watercolor paint.  Students enjoyed painting on watercolor paper and loved mixing all the colors needed to complete this project.

1-Point Perspective Drawings

Fifth grade students recently learned about perspective drawing: Aerial/Atmospheric Perspective and Linear Perspective.  Students created a horizon line on their paper, added a vanishing point and used orthogonal lines to create their buildings using one-point perspective.  Black marker was used to outline the pencil drawings and colored pencil was used to add color.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Well Worth The Cold!!

Lake Superior is so amazing whether summer, fall, winter or spring.  We ventured just outside of Cornucopia, WI to the ice caves -They were amazing!  It was definitely worth the 5 mile (round trip) walk in at times 40 below wind chill!  Here are a few pics from the day!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ice Caves!

Brandon and I headed up to the North Shore this evening!  Tomorrow's agenda: the Ice Caves near the Apostle Islands.  Pictures to come - I am so excited!!  Please visit for more information about the ice caves!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Check It Out...

Hello everyone!  On this chilly January morning I bring you examples from the Byron Middle School Art classes.  Students have been working very hard and continue to do so on their new projects.  Have a wonderful day!

Fifth Grade: 21st Century Coat of Arms
Colored pencil was used to add color - High Saturation for the symbols and low-medium saturation for the backgrounds to create contrast.

Sixth Grade: Personal Mandalas - Colored Pencil or Marker

 Seventh Grade: 3-D Reflections - Cardboard, Tape, Acrylic Paint

Friday, January 17, 2014

Stay Tuned!!

I have been busy taking pictures of my kiddos at work!  Pictures and project information for each grade level will be coming soon!  I am new to blogging, so I am learning as I go!

Currently, my Graphic Arts students are working on their Photography Unit!  I love to see what they come up with for their images; they are all given the same assignment yet come back with such diverse images!  The end of quarter 2 is coming up fast, so we will be busy next week!

Seventh grade students are working on a 2-point perspective futuristic cityscape drawing - they are just at the beginning of the assignment - they spent time today practicing using 2-point perspective and began formulating ideas for their final drawing; I cannot wait to see what they will come up with!!  They have recently finished working on 3-D Reflections - pictures to come soon!!!

Sixth grade students are learning about value and proportion.  They will be using the grid-drawing technique to enlarge a photo of an animal, then paint it using multiple shades of grey and black and white.  Students always seem to be a bit timid with this assignment, but they create some amazing works!  They are so proud of themselves after completing them - I love that!  Stay tuned for a day-to-day update with these animal portraits!

Fifth graders are are learning all about COLOR!!!  My Favorite unit!!!  They have been reviewing what primary, secondary and tertiary colors are.  They are also learning about complementary and analogous colors - I gave them a review sheet to complete with their table groups today and we had a blast answering the questions Game Show Style!!!  This was a great formative assessment to use - I was able to see where students were struggling with the unit in a matter of minutes - turns out the analogous colors were a little confusing, now we know what we need to work on :-)  Students will be using what they have learned about color to add interest to their Flu Bugs!!  I have taught this assignment quite a few times and I have yet to see two of the same flu bug designs!!  Images of these ooey gooey flu bugs will be coming to you soon--Don't forget to wash your hands!!!

Thanks everyone!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Ready, Set, BLOG!!!

I am beginning the process of creating a blog!!  Wahoo!!  It's exciting!  My goal is to share with you my art lessons (including student examples of in-progress work as well as finished projects), my ideas for the art classroom, share with you what works for me (and what does not) and create a platform for showcasing middle school visual art creations!  Thank you so much for visiting :-)

Mrs. B