Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Classroom Activity

Tuesday, January 21, 2014: 
Implement an activity from a class member: I implemented the “ball” game, with my fifth grade class this week.  Students recently began learning about Color Theory and I used this game as a way to review the color concepts that students were introduced to at the end of last week.

Students are divided into six tables in the art classroom, so I had them work with their table groups for this activity.  Each table received a list of questions and rather than a ball, I gave each table a paintbrush, whoever had the paintbrush answered a question from the review sheet.

This was a great way for me to gather information about what students had retained from the previous lesson - formative assessment.  I was then able to quickly look through their review sheets to see what questions were not answered, so I knew what needed to be retaught.  I looked through the worksheets during student work time and I had them clean up a few minutes early so I could review with them the worksheet before they left.

Students were excited as they got to their tables and saw a single piece of paper in the center turned over with a paint stained brush laying on top of it!  It sparked their curiosity immediately!  I explained to the class what they would do at each table and then let them get to work on answering the questions.  I had planned on giving less than 10 minutes for this process, however as students were working together on this task, I realized that it was taking a bit longer than that.  I let them work through the questions for about five minutes longer - two out of the six tables were able to get through all of the questions.

The class seemed to enjoy this activity as they got to work together to come up with their answers.  I had them circle the questions that they did not know, so I now have a very good idea of what needs to be re-taught when we get to the part of adding color to their drawings.  

When I do this activity in the future, I will try to make it very clear to students that this is not a graded activity - I told the class this when I explained it to them, however some were worried once they got started that they wouldn't do very good because they didn't know some of the answers.  

Overall, this was a great activity to conduct during class!  I will definitely use this activity for future classes.

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