Friday, January 17, 2014

Stay Tuned!!

I have been busy taking pictures of my kiddos at work!  Pictures and project information for each grade level will be coming soon!  I am new to blogging, so I am learning as I go!

Currently, my Graphic Arts students are working on their Photography Unit!  I love to see what they come up with for their images; they are all given the same assignment yet come back with such diverse images!  The end of quarter 2 is coming up fast, so we will be busy next week!

Seventh grade students are working on a 2-point perspective futuristic cityscape drawing - they are just at the beginning of the assignment - they spent time today practicing using 2-point perspective and began formulating ideas for their final drawing; I cannot wait to see what they will come up with!!  They have recently finished working on 3-D Reflections - pictures to come soon!!!

Sixth grade students are learning about value and proportion.  They will be using the grid-drawing technique to enlarge a photo of an animal, then paint it using multiple shades of grey and black and white.  Students always seem to be a bit timid with this assignment, but they create some amazing works!  They are so proud of themselves after completing them - I love that!  Stay tuned for a day-to-day update with these animal portraits!

Fifth graders are are learning all about COLOR!!!  My Favorite unit!!!  They have been reviewing what primary, secondary and tertiary colors are.  They are also learning about complementary and analogous colors - I gave them a review sheet to complete with their table groups today and we had a blast answering the questions Game Show Style!!!  This was a great formative assessment to use - I was able to see where students were struggling with the unit in a matter of minutes - turns out the analogous colors were a little confusing, now we know what we need to work on :-)  Students will be using what they have learned about color to add interest to their Flu Bugs!!  I have taught this assignment quite a few times and I have yet to see two of the same flu bug designs!!  Images of these ooey gooey flu bugs will be coming to you soon--Don't forget to wash your hands!!!

Thanks everyone!


  1. Looking forward to seeing some of the finished products!

  2. What makes color your favorite unit?

    1. I absolutely love color! I like showing students the science behind color; how colors can mix together to become new colors; how certain colors go together; how color can evoke emotion; there are so many ways in which color affect us every day - it is fun to introduce that to students and hear their thoughts on color as well :-)
