Monday, May 19, 2014

Community Art

I have been working on a very exciting collaborative project with Matt Weyers, a sixth grade teacher at BMS.  Sixth grade students have been very busy creating sculptures for Byron businesses.  Students chose an area business and called them to see if they would be willing to display a hand-made sculpture for approximately two weeks.  They were very nervous but excited to contact businesses and start getting the okay to start planning and building their sculptures.

Students began their planning process with a pencil sketch of their sculpture.  They then had to decide what materials they would like to use to create their 3D sculptures.  Materials used included: wood, wire, chicken wire, paper mache, clay, cardboard, paper, paint, and so much more!  We all learned a lot while going through this process and the end products show how hard these kids worked to complete their sculptures for our Byron businesses!  

Two students work on their clay sculpture for the Bear's Den.

These ladies are working on their toothbrush and toothpaste sculpture for Byron Dental Group.

This group of sculptors are busy preparing their mailbox for the Byron Post Office.

These gentleman are preparing sculptures for Gamez & More and Ace Hardware.

Students created "Spot" the dalmatian for the Byron Fire Department.

Here is the whole group with all of their fabulous sculptures!!

1 comment:

  1. Brooke - I am very impressed with your collaborative community art project!! Having the students go through all of the steps to create a piece specifically inspired by and for a business must have been an exciting experience for those kiddos. Will any of the businesses decide to buy and/or maybe keep the sculptures?
