Tuesday, October 20, 2015

And We're Off!

The 2015-16 school year has gotten off to a great start...and as I find myself nine days away from the end of quarter one, I am realizing how fast the days and weeks are flying by!  This year I am again teaching students in grades 5-8 and we have been busy in the BMS Art Room!

Fifth grade students are learning about using personal symbols in art, applying value in compositions, perspective drawing techniques, ceramic building techniques, color theory, and watercolor painting techniques.

Sixth grade students are learning about personal symbols in art, Aboriginal art, totem animals, ceramic building techniques, grid drawing techniques, and value.

Seventh grade students are learning about 3D construction, personal symbols in art, perspective drawing techniques, ceramic building techniques, photography, artist statement writing and various artistic styles.

Eighth grade students are learning about portrait drawing techniques, micrography, ceramic building techniques, pop art, printmaking, artist statement writing ad paper cutting techniques.

This year I also have the pleasure of working with 7th grade students for my BEARS group - a community group I see a few days a week.  For our enrichment project this year we are bringing back the "Monster Machine" project in conjunction with the kindergarten students in our district.  We are having a blast with this project so far, and we are just at the beginning!

There will be so much more to come in the next days and weeks!  Thank you for viewing :-)


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