Friday, April 24, 2015

Continual Growth Plan

When you arrive at the end of your teaching career how do you want to be remembered? I want my students to remember me as someone who listened to them and allowed them to truly be themselves.  I love to laugh and have fun with my students, so I’d like to think that students will remember me for that.
What will your "opus"/legacy be? I honestly do not know what my legacy will be; I hope to inspire students to create.  I value creativity, compassion, laughter and patience and I hope that students that come through my classroom take those values with them.
What are the steps you will take to get there?  I hope to never forget who I am and what my goals are as a teacher.  I am hopeful that I will be able to stay out of the “rut” of teaching; where I show up to work, do what I need to do, go home, repeat the following day.  I hope to continue to enjoy the students that I work with and stay away from the robotic teacher ‘rut’.  I hope to always believe in the power of education, no matter what the government wants us to do.  I think it will be important to believe in myself and the students I teach.

Five years from now I hope to have an even stronger visual arts program at the middle school.  I really look forward to starting an art club and opening up opportunities for students to get involved with the visual arts outside of the school day.  I also hope to involve students in community projects as well. I have done this in the past, and it has been amazing! I would like to incorporate more community work within my curriculum as well as with the art club.

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