Monday, April 20, 2015

Metaphors For A Teacher

This week we have been asked to read "Metaphors We Teach By" by Mary Ann Bowman.  We were then asked to think about our own transformation and growth since starting the M.Ed. Program, and find an object that is a metaphor for who we are now and that represents our transformation. The object I chose for my metaphor is tinder and flint.  As a big fan of camping, hiking and backpacking, I know the importance of a hot fire at the end of a long day, for many reasons.  Matches and lighters are not always the most reliable when we are out in the elements, so we learned early on that it is important to have an additional fire starter.  I found the following teacher metaphor at  This post is titled "Back to School Prep Guide: 8 Metaphors For a Teacher" by Jordan Catapano.

"Tinder and Flint: Apart, tinder and flint don’t do much. But strike them together and you’ve got sparks. Put those sparks next to a flammable material and fire roars to life. Teachers and students are like tinder and flint – what’s one without the other? Strike them together and, under the right conditions, you’ll have the flames of knowledge start small and begin to spread. A teacher (and their students) is tinder and flint."

I relate to this teaching metaphor because I truly love to learn with and from my students.  Throughout my action research this year, I have provided students with more choice in my art classroom and I have really enjoyed seeing and hearing their great ideas.  Working collaboratively with my students is what I look forward to each day.  When we are working together, I know we can make great things happen!

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