Saturday, February 6, 2016

Art in the Sky!

I am so honored to have been given the opportunity to showcase Byron Middle School student work in The Art in the Sky display!  Various art displays from area schools can be seen in the skyway near the Rochester Public Library.

Our current display showcases artworks created by our Byron Middle School 6th Grade students.  Students have been hard at work in the BMS Art Room.  Students began this unit by learning about value in art and how it can be used to create contrast, form, texture and variation.  Students practiced creating various values first by making multiple value scales using pencil and applying value to complete multiple textural designs. 

After practicing various value studies, students began working on their animal portraits. Sixth graders used the grid drawing method to enlarge small photos of animals onto larger drawing paper; animals were drawn four or five times larger than their original pictures. The grid drawing process helped students to maintain correct proportion in their animal portraits. Value was then used to create contrast, form, texture and variation in their drawings. Students also had the option to add a splash of color to their works, creating a strong focal point in their animal portrait drawing.

The pictures below show the artwork in the skyway; individual photos of each work will be added soon.

Thank you for viewing!

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