Sunday, February 7, 2016


My seventh grade BEARS Enrichment groups are hard at work this year with their Monster Machine project - and we are all loving it! Monster Mayhem Inc. (aka 7th grade students) request drawings from the kinder's in our district. What kind of drawings, you ask? Well, MoNsTeRs, of course!! Kindergarten students create a drawing of a monster, including all details possible (tails, spikes, wings, etc). We also ask for kindergarten students to write a couple of sentences to introduce their monsters (they are simply adorable!).  Monster Mayhem Inc. take the drawings and put them through one of our many handmade monster machines. Monsters are created with clay and colored with glaze. Our first two classes have been completed and we're onto another three! Check out the results below -
Fabulous work Monster Mayhem Inc.!

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