Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Action Research Update

One of the articles I have recently read is How to Help Students Take Ownership of the Learning Process, by Jeffrey Carpenter.  Carpenter suggests five strategies that encourage students ownership in school.  One suggestion is to use formative peer assessment as it can provide "more immediate and individualized attention".  I have used formative peer assessments in my fifth through eighth grade visual arts classes and have really enjoyed the feedback that students are providing for one another.  Today I had students in my fifth grade class conduct formative peer assessment with their one-point perspective drawings.  Students were to locate the horizon line, vanishing point, orthogonal lines and comments on their partners' details.  The conversations that students were having were great and some realized that they needed to change or add things on their drawings which is so helpful as I don't always have a chance to get around and talk one-on-one with each student every single day.  I will continue to use formative peer assessments for a quick way for students to gain useful feedback about their work.


  1. Hi Brooke, My name is Sherri Larson and I am a 5th grade teacher in Pelican Rapids, MN. I am excited to be following your blog. Peer formative assessments have worked well in my classroom as well. I agree that the questions and comments are very helpful to the students. I am always trying to find more time to give feedback to students through out the day and peer assessments is a great tool. I loved the pictures you included on your post. The gave me a feel for your students and classroom. You are off to a great start with your AR. I look forward to seeing what you are up to in the next 2 weeks.

  2. Hello Brooke! My name is Monica Thompson, I am a technology integrationist for a service coop in Fergus Falls, MN. I have enjoyed reading about your action research. I love that your students are taking pictures of their art and sending it to their parents. I believe feedback is very important, but it can be hard to get to every student everyday. Peer feedback is a great way for students to get feedback. I am sure it was interesting to hear the conversations they were having about their art!
