Sunday, September 28, 2014

3, 2, 1...Action!

Last Friday we had our annual Freaky Friday celebration at Byron Middle School.  Freaky Friday falls on the Friday of Homecoming week and all of our middle school parents join their students for a day at school!  The kids absolutely love this day, and I think the parents enjoy going back to their middle school days too :-)

Last Wednesday as I was drifting off to sleep I began thinking about how I could involve the students more in the project introduction when their parents are in the classroom.  And then it came to me - why not let the students tell their parents what they have been learning about with a movie?  Great idea, except, I had never made a movie incorporating multiple photos and video it was going to be an experiment.

I was so excited to introduce this idea to my classes - and they were super excited when they heard about it!  I was so happy...and relieved that they wanted to participate.  We took many pictures and recorded a few video clips and I put them all together using iMovie on my iPad.  They were ready to go for parents on Friday and my students and I were excited to share them.  They were a big hit!!  I have expressed to my students that I would like to create movies about our lessons and they seemed to really like that idea.  What a great way for students to take ownership and share what they are learning in the Art room!

I have included a couple of the movies for you to watch.  Enjoy!


  1. This sounds so great! I watched the videos and I am inspired to do it myself! We have iPads also in our district and what a fun thing to make and share at conferences! I might need you to help me with the directions, if you are willing. :)

    So, as you are having students take ownership for their work and actions, have you faced any roadblocks with tough students who don't care? Do the students really understand what you are trying to do ? I am very intrigued by your research and love the idea of students being responsible for themselves and taking PRIDE in their work!

    Can't wait to find out more about your experiences! Thanks for the idea on iMovie!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    Thank you for your kind comments! I really enjoyed making the videos for parents, and so did the kids! I would be happy to help you with any directions I can! Feel free to email me at :-)

    I, indeed, have run into students that simply do not care about the process I am having them go through. I have not yet had my eighth grade students send pictures/information to their parents, and this is the class that I have the majority of students who 'don't care'. My goal with this group, this week actually, is to explain the process very well to them and make my intentions and expectations very clear so there are, hopefully, very few doubts/questions. I am also going to be sending out surveys to all parents to see how many received artwork pictures/information from their students as well as to get their input on the process to see what I could do differently with my next group of students.

  3. I loved the videos:) I know my students will love making them. I am thinking about having them make them for conferences or put them on our school website to promote our leaders? Thanks for the great idea!
