Friday, November 28, 2014


My eighth grade BEARS group has been working extremely hard on creating a display for the front of Byron Middle School.  After about ten weeks of work we were finally ready to put the display up!  Students created large 3D letters spelling BEARS - each letter holds a significant meaning for our middle school students and staff: Belonging, Educated, Active Learning, Respectful, Selflessness.  We will continue to take pictures of each of these characteristics happening in our school and hang them with the letters.  I am so happy to have had the opportunity to work with this group of students to create a display for our school!!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

30 Day Challenge

My “30 Day Challenge” is to keep on top of grading during second quarter for all of my classes.  I tend to let projects pile up and procrastinate a bit with grading projects.  My goal is to get my grading completed in a timely manner this quarter therefore providing useful feedback to students that will help them improve techniques throughout their next projects.

With the beginning of second quarter taking place this week, I have updated all of my grade books in IC (our grading software) - this takes some time to make sure everything is in the correct order and has the correct dates, so I am glad to have it updated for this quarter.  I will be trying some new things with my 8th grade students, so I will update those projects as the quarter goes on.

One step I will need to take is to create a “grading routine” for myself - When I have a project due, I plan to grade those projects that same afternoon or the following morning. I will then be able to get the grades into IC so students and parents can view their grades right away. I have been having my high school student assistant to take photographs of all finished work for Artsonia - this has really helped to keep on track with my grading as well.

Another step I plan to take to complete this 30 day challenge (and beyond!) is to print all grading rubrics and scales so that I will not run out while I am in the middle of grading.  I have been working to update my grading rubrics so as soon as I finish one I plan to get it off to the printer!

**Another challenge I have been working on the past couple of weeks is getting things ready for our annual Art Sale that supports our high school Visual Art Scholarship recipients.  I have recently been working on making greeting cards and some wall decor.  I have quite a few things I still need to make for our December 1st sale, so I will continue my goal of working each night on these items :-)

Thursday, November 6, 2014


This week we have been asked to create a reflection about our interconnectedness with another community member.  Because I have met so many great people throughout my time in the M.Ed. program I thought I would reflect on the way that I have met these fabulous teachers...Blogging!

I have had a very positive connection with the blogging process that we began during the M.Ed. program.  I recall when our instructor first told us that we would be creating and maintaining a blog, I was having serious doubts about being able to carry it out!  It turns out that the blogging process has been a very positive one for me - I have gotten so many great ideas from the blogs that I have started to follow - and I have enjoyed sharing things from my classroom with others.  I especially like to share the work that my students are creating in class; they work so hard and I am happy to be able to share the work that they create.

The reflection process that the blogging prompts is very powerful.  I have found it very beneficial to take a moment and reflect on what happens each day.  My days go by so fast, with so many kids going in and out of my room, I like that I have gotten into the routine of taking some time to think about what went on in the art room each day.

I feel like the most difficult roadblock to overcome was my own self-doubt.  I often thought that people out there in ‘blog land’ wouldn't care what I am doing in my classroom!  I am so glad to have not listened to myself, because I have enjoyed the blogging process so much - whether or not people out there are reading, responding or enjoying my blog!  :-)

Through the process of blogging I have learned (and continue to do so) so many new strategies that I can use in my classroom.  I have been able to communicate with other teachers about issues that I care about and I have had the opportunity to share the great things that are happening in my classroom.  

My attitude has everything to do with a positive outcome!  There are definitely days that I find it very difficult to keep a positive, growth mindset. However I give myself a choice each morning, I can either choose to have a bad day (which the kids can see from a mile kidding) or I can choose to make each day a good day and deal with what comes at me head on.  Something that helps me to maintain a positive, growth mindset each day is to say “good morning” to everyone I pass from my car to my classroom in the morning.  I also enjoy having conversations with students and co-workers outside of class and of course laughing (I love to laugh!) it certainly takes some of the pressure off of a busy day :-)

8th Grade Ceramics

Eighth grade ceramic containers and lids came out of the kiln today - and just in time for the end of quarter 1!!!  This group did a fantastic job with this project!  Students began by rolling slabs of clay to cut out their pieces, they used the score, slip and seal technique to connect their pieces together.  They measured and cut a lid to fit their container then created a unique handle to complete the ceramic containers.  Students then applied the first layer of glaze and tried their hand at sgraffito - applying layers of glaze then scratching out a design.  They definitely learned a lot about working with clay and overcame some difficulties throughout the process.  Below are some examples of their hard work - I could not be more proud!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Yesterday afternoon I was finally able to get to my kiln to unload fifth grade ceramic houses and seventh grade ceramic mugs!  I love to see all of the different colors in a glaze fire and students love to finally see the end product of their ceramic unit after a few weeks!  Right away the sixth grade masks and some of the eighth grade memory boxes went in for their final firing.  I cannot wait to see how all of their work turns out!  :-)