Friday, November 28, 2014


My eighth grade BEARS group has been working extremely hard on creating a display for the front of Byron Middle School.  After about ten weeks of work we were finally ready to put the display up!  Students created large 3D letters spelling BEARS - each letter holds a significant meaning for our middle school students and staff: Belonging, Educated, Active Learning, Respectful, Selflessness.  We will continue to take pictures of each of these characteristics happening in our school and hang them with the letters.  I am so happy to have had the opportunity to work with this group of students to create a display for our school!!!


  1. That display is PHENOMENAL!! What an amazing adventure for the students, and something that they will be proud of for a lifetime! I'm also extremely impressed by the gigantic display case!! How did this idea come about? Were your students the instigators? What challenges did you come upon?

  2. Thank you! I was very happy with the result - we spent a lot of time on this project for the school and it was fun to see it through to the end - no matter how long it took!!

    One of the projects I do for 7th grade is 3D objects - students create a personal symbol on paper then use cardboard and tagboard to turn their 2D shape into a 3D form. I was asked to help create a new display for the front of our school and I wanted to have the kids help out with it, so I thought it would be a great project for them to display our BEARS language to anyone entering our building! One of my biggest hurdles was getting and keeping student's interest in the project. Some were really into it and wanted to see it through, while others were expecting it to be completed in a shorter amount of time and lost interest after a couple of weeks. We created lists of jobs for each student to do on the "install" day and that seemed to spark the interest again. My BEARS group and I are now searching for other ways we can help to improve our middle school and our community - any thoughts on activities like this for middle school students would be greatly appreciated! ;-)
