Thursday, November 6, 2014

8th Grade Ceramics

Eighth grade ceramic containers and lids came out of the kiln today - and just in time for the end of quarter 1!!!  This group did a fantastic job with this project!  Students began by rolling slabs of clay to cut out their pieces, they used the score, slip and seal technique to connect their pieces together.  They measured and cut a lid to fit their container then created a unique handle to complete the ceramic containers.  Students then applied the first layer of glaze and tried their hand at sgraffito - applying layers of glaze then scratching out a design.  They definitely learned a lot about working with clay and overcame some difficulties throughout the process.  Below are some examples of their hard work - I could not be more proud!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the creations, Can't wait for my son to get there! You are such a fun teacher, keep up the enthusiasm for art and teaching.
