Friday, February 27, 2015

Unloading the Kiln!

It is so exciting to open up the kiln after a firing to check the progress of student work!  I am so thrilled with the 6th grade Totem Masks and 8th grade Ceramic Containers.  They all worked so hard on these projects and continued their learning of the clay building process.

Sixth grade students studied the Totem Mask sculptures by Cynthia Baush.  Baush creates Totem Masks to honor the animal totems and features many animals in her work including the wolf, spider, bear, dragonfly, eagle, lynx and more.  Baush also includes unique symbols on each mask that communicate the animal's strengths and gifts.

Students learned about the importance of animal totems in the Native American culture and combined both human and animal characteristics to their mask.

Cynthia Baush - Totem Mask
BMS 6th Grade Animal Totem Masks

Eighth grade students have been focusing their time and energy on creating functional clay containers with lids.  One or more notches were added to keep the lid from falling off and a handle was added for easy removal.  Students chose their own theme to decorate their containers; using both adding and carving techniques.  I am so happy with the work they each class completed - I cannot wait to get the kids glazing next week!!

Eighth Grade
 Clay Containers

1 comment:

  1. THESE ARE GREAT! LOVE THEM! You do very cool art projects. The students are so lucky to have a great teacher dedicated to teaching them and helping them learn about artists.... KUDOS to you!
