Monday, March 2, 2015

16 Habits of Mind

After reading through the 16 Habits of Mind, I saw a direct connection to our BMS Staff Norms as well as to our BEARS language used throughout the school among students and staff.  Our Staff Norms at BMS are:

We will maintain a safe and trustworthy environment for all.
We will be timely, be actively engaged and listen for understanding.
We will be respectful of other people, their ideas and differing opinions.
We will maintain a positive, kind environment by refusing to complain, gossip or slander.

BEARS Language is an initiative that started this year at our middle school.  Each letter of the word "BEARS" stands for what we believe our students encompass at BMS.  The characteristics that we have learned about this year are:

B - Belonging
E - Educated
A - Active Learning
R - Respectful
S - Selflessness

I am excited to continue this learning process with our students and staff at BMS!

This week we have been asked to develop an action plan to implement activities involving the 16 Habits of Mind.  My co-worker and classmate Gretchen and I plan to share and discuss the 16 Habits of Mind with our Social and Sunshine Committee at the middle school.  Our goal is to generate with this group some ideas that we can use to incorporate the Habits of Mind with our staff activities throughout the year.  The three habits we would like to focus our attention on for the beginning of the 2015-16 school year are: Finding Humor, Thinking Flexibly, and Creating, Imagining and Innovating within our school.  We will also be sharing this information with one member of our Site Team as well as our Advisory committee, in hopes that they will in turn begin to develop communication between other committees in the building in order to share a common goal among staff and begin implementing activities that continue to outline the 16 Habits of Mind.


  1. What a cool idea! Where did you learn about these 16 habits? Are they from your Grad Class? Is this a leadership goal of yours or are you on a committee for this? Will these fit into your classroom, too?

    I would love to learn more and hear about your school does nothing this extreme for the staff...have you done things like this before?

  2. I think the plan you have for reaching out to others in your school is excellent. Everyone should be able to have a part in this, which will in turn an a great effect on your students.
