Monday, March 9, 2015

Behaviors in the Classroom

This week we have been asked to review the "How often do you choose to behave intelligently?" survey that we conducted last week. Upon completion of this survey, we were asked to reflect on and provide examples of how we have shown any of the behaviors in our classrooms.

The following examples are ways that I have shown some of these behaviors both in and outside of my classroom with my students, co-workers, family and friends:

-I take pride in practicing good listening skills - if I cannot fully listen I am sure to tell the person so we can discuss a better time that might work - More often than not, I do whatever I can to make the time right then and there.  I think it is important to actively listen with empathy and understanding; I look for this when I speak with people, so I find it very important to practice myself.

-Having quality of the work I create is very important to me and I always try to teach that to students in my classroom.  We may not like or truly enjoy everything we have to do, but that shouldn’t change the quality of work we complete.  I have always taken great pride in the quality of work I do, and I like to share that lesson with my students.

-I absolutely love the outdoors!  I love to go camping, hiking, canoeing, fishing, four-wheeling, pretty much anything outside!  I also really love to travel and see new places and learn about the world around me.  I really love my hometown and state, but it intrigues me to travel!

-I laugh and joke a lot!  I love sharing those “laughing moments” with my students, co-workers, family and friends! 

-I love to learn!  I will never claim to be an expert at what I’m learning, however, I really do enjoy the process - I try to teach this lesson to my students also, because it is something that they will always continue to do, whether they realize it or not :-)


  1. Great examples of behaviors shown in your classroom. I can really relate to the importance of good listening skills. I am continuously trying to take time to listen to my students but what do you do with the three of four who tell you a story every time you turn around?

  2. I like that you share a follow up question to show both yourself and the student that you are actively listening. Now that you do this, do you see other that do the same thing when they are listening? Do find people who do not possess this quality? I think it is definitely something to work at:) Good job!

  3. I like that you share a follow up question to show both yourself and the student that you are actively listening. Now that you do this, do you see other that do the same thing when they are listening? Do find people who do not possess this quality? I think it is definitely something to work at:) Good job!

  4. This is great! I think I should do this activity, too!!!! LIke you, I feel it is important to LAUGH EVERYDAY! I try to instill this in my students, too, as we all make mistakes, and act silly at times, and we need to be able to LAUGH at our selves.

    I also like the quality of work part. At this point in the year, it is SO hard to stay engaged and provide the best of you everyday to the students. I need to keep holding the students accountable for the quality of work so they understand that is ALWAYS matters.

