Monday, March 9, 2015

Servant Leadership

“Commitment to the Growth of People: Servant leaders are committed to the personal and professional development of everyone on their teams.  To develop your people, make sure that you use Training Needs Assessments   to understand their developmental needs   and give them the skills they need to learn effectively. Also, find out what their personal goals are, and see if you can give them responsibilities that will help them achieve these.”

I have chosen “Commitment to the Growth of People” for the characteristic of Servant Leadership to focus my work on.  I feel that, as teachers, we do this automatically - it’s the reason we’re in this profession!  I want to focus my work on this characteristic because I never want to forget my reason for teaching - I want my students to grow and learn because of what I can teach them!  Not only can I teach this lesson to my students, but to my co-workers as well.  We have been struggling in our building to create stronger connections between staff and it has been really challenging.  My goal is to get more people participating in the activities we provide this Spring.  I know there is only so much I can do, however lately I feel that I have been bogged down by the poor attitudes of others and I do not want them to dictate what I can do in the workplace.  I am going to continue to commit my time to my students and co-workers and guide them to grow and learn right along with me - whether it is in the classroom or out!

One way I plan to get my co-workers growing and learning is by giving them a voice!  I plan to create a form for staff to fill out that will ask them questions about what they would like to see happening at BMS for staff!  I plan to take the results of this survey to our Sunshine Committee to plan our upcoming Spring activities.  I am hopeful to receive information from each staff member so that we can create a fun-loving, growth-mindset work environment.


  1. That is a great servant leadership to follow Brooke. It can be a very tough task you are taking on when you think about co workers. They can be a tricky bunch to help grow sometimes but if anyone can do it I know it is you Brooke! Keep up your strong leadership skills!

  2. Good idea about giving staff a voice! That way there can no complaining!!! Really, it's a great idea and my bet is that you'll get some pretty awesome ideas :)

  3. I love this idea. The sunshine committee seems to have a great vision for the direction of the school culture.
