Friday, March 21, 2014

Action Research

Update on my Action Research:

My action research question is 'How can I create more meaningful assessments for my students?'.  I have implemented multiple new formative and summative assessments into my middle school classroom.  I have conducted research by looking at how other middle school art teachers are using assessment in their classroom.  I have tried assessments that I really like and can see as a valuable asset to my grading repertoire, I have also tried some assessments that did not work out so well (based on my own reactions and feelings as well as the students).  My goal in trying these new assessments is to get students to see the meaning in them - they can use rubrics to help complete their projects according to my expectations - I can use the summative assessments to gauge student understanding and know in a short amount of time who will need more instruction.

N = Need To Know (What else do you need to know or find out about concerning your action research at this time?

-I will need to research how more art teachers use assessment in their classrooms.  I will continue to implement new assessments in my classroom and keep records as to how students react as well as my own feelings and reactions.
E = Excited (What excites you about your action research so far?)

-What has excited me so far with my action research is the student feedback and reaction.  The majority of my assessment implementation has been in fifth grade classroom and I have gotten a great reaction from my students.  I am excited to try more new ideas with my classes.

S = Suggestions for Moving Forward (What is your current stance or opinion on you action research process?  How might you move forward from here?)

-Moving forward, I will need to put together the research that I have collected to show where I began, what I have tried, what worked best for me, what didn't work so well, and where I hope to go from there.

W = Worrisome (What do you find worrisome about your action research so far?)

-The most worrisome part of the action research process for me is going to be to put everything together.  Looking at the action research for the Spring Conference I was able to get a glimpse into what the final process will look like, and I need to get my action research to the point where I can start putting everything together.

1 comment:

  1. I am worried about the same things! It makes me anxious when I think about all the planning, reading, and prep work that needs to be done. At least we aren't going through it alone!
