Monday, March 10, 2014

Classroom Application: Assessment

One of my latest assignments through my SMU Master's Program is to implement something we have recently learned about assessment/grading into our classroom.

I have been very interested in learning about new ways to assess students in my art classroom and I am excited to try this new rubric/peer critique with my fifth grade visual arts students.

The following rubric is what I plan to introduce to students on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week:

One element of this rubric that I really like is that it provides students an opportunity to look at one another's art work and critique it using the "3 Glows and 3 Grows" technique (found at  Students will have an opportunity to look at each other's work and give praise for the areas that they did well and suggestions for areas that could be improved.

I will see how this goes with students and reflect back on Wednesday.  I am hoping they enjoy the process.  They sure have been working really hard on their 1-point perspective drawings!  More to come!


  1. Love the Glows and Grows...

  2. The Glows and Grows is a great idea to give the students an opportunity to critique each other. A great way to see their perspective! Where did you get this idea?

  3. I got this idea from; she's got tons of fabulous ideas and I was thrilled to try this new critiquing method with my students!
