Sunday, March 2, 2014

Setting Goals

My Assignment: Based on your leadership style, the information you have read, and the culture you are in, develop a goal for yourself with regards to making a change. Keep in mind your leadership style and who/what you will need to help you achieve that goal.

Immediately after reading the informtaion that preceded this assignment, I began writing down a few ideas that I have had for quite some time now. So I wrote them down. Then, I found this...

Okay, so I sit here today with three goals I would like to achieve at Byron Middle School, both long and short-term:

1. Initiate a BMS student art exhibit.
2. Begin an Art Club at the middle school level.
3. Host a summer Art Camp for students at the middle school level.


  1. These sound like really great ways to increase student interest in Art and involve them more in the curriculum. Have you brought these ideas forward, taken that OS!M leap yet? It is a difficult leap to take, I know I feel like I am peering over the edge of my OS!M.

  2. Which one do you want to start with first? Would you like any help? I can share with you how my process has gone so far. We can also try to align both clubs at both levels to be approved at a school board meeting together if you would like:)
